Tuesday 30 November 2010

A brief outline of me.

I am a student and a couple of days a week I go to university. The rest of the time I do nothing. I don't go out in the evenings like other students. It's cold, and we never have any money. Plus I wouldn't know who to go out with.
I feel like a fraud at uni and I don't know why they let me in. One day I'm sure that someone is going to jump out with big April Fools banner, screaming "It was a joke! Ha ha ha!" But until that day I try to keep average or better grades so they won't kick me out in the meantime.
When I'm at home, I'm usually by myself. My boyfriend works quite long hours, so I sit at home with my two cats, Edward and Gabey, and while away my time on the internet until the BF gets home. Then we will eat dinner and watch something on t.v.

This is Edward:
and this is Gabey:

My cats are very annoying. Edward thinks the entire living room (including the wall) is a giant scratching post. He thinks his scratching post is a perch for watching television. Gabey used to be litter trained. Now he will only use the tray if someone is watching him. Edward is selfish. He expects me to always play his games, but he is never interested in playing mine. Gabey is clingy. He follows me around the house like a lost puppy kitty. 

Edward's interests include car shows, custard and pink shoe laces. Gabey likes catnip drops and cuddling. Sometimes he'll also play football, if he's in the mood. Together they make me smile.

This is my boyfriend:
You may be surprised to find out that I didn't do very well in Art.
I will talk about him another day, probably. 

These crazy cats and paint stick figure (based on a real person who really exists) are my family; and my only friends. This should probably make me sad (and it does a little, from time to time), but they are all very lovely to me. For the most part I am quite happy. 

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